Parent and baby at home

Prince Clinic

Prince Clinic is a centre of excellence for circumcisions for baby boys, toddlers and school boy up to 12 years of age.

0203 9494 222

Cute boy

Circumcision for Boys

Circumcision is the removal of the sleeve of skin which normally covers the glans of the penis, known as the foreskin. It is one of the most ancient surgical procedures, historically performed, particularly among Muslim and Jewish communities.

There are numerous cultural and sociological reasons why circumcisions continue to be performed today in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the Middle East, and across the African continent.

Scientific evidence suggests that circumcised boys have a reduced risk of urinary tract infections, and circumcised men are less likely to contract / carry sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like herpes and chlamydia.

At Prince Clinic, we have been conducting religious and cultural circumcisions for more than 20 years. For infants under 12 months, we use the Plastibell (or Ring) method with complete numbing (double local anaesthetic applications) whereas older boys undergo the surgical procedure under general anaesthesia.

Young family

Plastibell (or the Ring) vs Surgical Circumcision

Plastibell circumcision is appropriate for infants under 12 months old with a normal-shaped and sized penis. The procedure is quick, involves minimal pain or bleeding, doesn't require stitches, and results in a very good cosmetic outcome.

However, for certain children with penile deformities, very small size, hidden or retracted penis or boys with a peno-scrotal web (webbed penis shaft) there is a higher probability of bleeding and unpleasant aesthetic outcome as the ring might not separate correctly or may move down toward the base of the shaft (body of penis).

This may result in the need for additional surgery under general anaesthesia later on to correct the appearance of the penis.

A surgical circumcision allows the real precision required to preserve the shape of the penis in the best possible. Dissolvable sutures are used to hold the edges of the remaining skin together during the healing process. We use surgical glue instead of a bandage, eliminating concerns about changing dressings or showering. The aftercare is fairly simple and the recovery time is about 10 days to 2 weeks.

Hidden retracted penis
Peno scrotal web
Young family

Ms De Caluwé has over 20 years of experience treating children with genital and urological (kidney and bladder) conditions. She has performed more than 1,000 circumcisions during that time and serves as a trainer as well as an examiner for the European Board of Paediatric Urology. If you have any concerns, you can schedule a free phone or video call to discuss your concerns and ask questions.


Pain Relief during the procedure or Anaesthesia

The circumcision procedure necessitates pain relief to numb the penis. We use a straightforward injection of anaesthetics at the base of the penis. Based on our experience, this method offers the most effective numbing.

Circumcision for a child over the age of 12 months is significantly different, as studies have shown that the brain’s perception of pain and the effect of physical restraints are more pronounced in those children. Therefore, we do not perform circumcision on boys older than 12 months under local anaesthesia alone.

We are one of the few circumcision centres in the UK offering the procedure under a combination of general and local anaesthesia for boys over the age of 12 months. The circumcision is carried out at he theatre of Chelsea & Westminster Hospital by the same team, consisting of a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, a Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist, and a dedicated paediatric nurse.

If your son is older than 12 months, please Feel free to contact us at 020 9494 222 – option 2 –to discuss these matters in more detail with one of our consultants.

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