Till what age do you perform circumcision under local anaesthesia?

Till what age do you perform circumcision under local anaesthesia?

Baby boys up to 12 months of age.

What method do you use?

What method do you use?

We use the method that is most appropriate to the shape and size of your son's penis. In the majority of cases, we use the "Plastibell" (Ring) method.

What kind of anaesthesia do you use?

What kind of anaesthesia do you use?

We use a local anaesthetic, which takes about 10-15 minutes to take effect. We test the area to ensure it is completely numb before starting the procedure.

How long does the procedure take?

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure usually takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. However, every child is different, and some are more relaxed around unfamiliar faces than others.

Can one of the parents be present while the procedure is being done?

Can one of the parents be present while the procedure is being done?

Yes. It can be useful to have a familiar face around before while they anaesthesia start to work.

How long will we be in the Clinic?

How long will we be in the Clinic?

The procedure itself takes about 20-30 minutes and you will be in the clinic for about 1 hour.

What does the care involve afterwards?

What does the care involve afterwards?

You will receive complete instructions on how to care for the circumcision, along with an aftercare leaflet and all necessary supplies at the clinic. Your doctor will be available 24/7 following the procedure to address any questions or concerns you may have.

How much discomfort will the baby experience following the procedure?

How much discomfort will the baby experience following the procedure?

Not a lot. The baby will typically need two doses of Calpol for one or two days.

Do we have to come back for the free post-procedure appointment?

Do we have to come back for the free post-procedure appointment?

You don’t have to, but we would prefer if you do, as we would like to see the baby again after one week to ensure everything is fine. Alternatively, we can arrange a video call to confirm that everything is alright and address any questions you may have.

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